Headway Word of the Week

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A lazy person doesn't like working. If you feel lazy, you don't want to do any work.

  • Joe is so lazy. He sits in front of the TV all day. He should get a job.
  • I feel lazy today. I think I'll stay at home, put my feet up, and watch TV.
Check out collocations

a lazy person
a lazybones (= a lazy person - informal)
I feel lazy.
a lazy day (= not doing much)
a lazy river (= moving slowly)

Check out the verb

laze (around) (verb)

  • We had a lovely day by the river, just lazing around, talking and playing games.
    (= relaxing - a positive meaning)
  • He's always lazing around the house. He never does anything.
    (= being lazy - a negative meaning)
Check out related words
  • idle
  • tired
  • relaxing
  • a slob
  • a layabout
  • a couch potato

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