Headway Word of the Week

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furious (adjective)

Furious means very, very angry.

  • When I came home the children had been playing with my CDs. I was absolutely furious, and I shouted at them.
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With adverbs

  • really furious
  • absolutely furious

With nouns

  • a furious look on her face
  • a furious reaction
  • a furious argument
    (= very angry)
  • a fast and furious pace
  • There was furious applause at the end of the concert.
    (= very energetic)
With prepositions
  • I was furious with Jack for losing my watch.
    (with + people)
  • Jenny was furious at being asked to work for less money.
    (at + something)

Check out the noun

The crowded reacted with fury when the referee sent off the home team's captain.
If you criticise Gary, he flies into a fury.

Check out related words

  • angry
  • mad
  • livid
  • rage
  • energetic

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