Headway Word of the Week

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Kick (verb)

Kick means to hit something with your foot.

  • John kicked his brother. He was wearing shoes, so it really hurt.

Check out collocations

  • kick somebody
  • kick a ball
  • kick the door down/open/shut
  • kick your legs
    (= lift your legs high, or shake them)

Check out these expressions

  • If you kick the habit, you manage to stop doing something that is bad for you. So, you might kick smoking.
  • If you kick the bucket, it means you have died.
  • If you feel as if you have been kicked in the teeth, then somebody has said something that is very discouraging.
  • If you kick someone when they're down, then you attack or criticize them even though they are already feeling bad.
  • If you're bored and have nothing to do, then you are kicking your heels.
  • If you get something wrong, but know you coould have got it right, then you could kick yourself!

Check out phrasal verbs

  • Students tend to kick against the establishment.
    (= criticize or react against)
  • Stop kicking me around. I may be new, but it's not fair.
    (= treat someone unfairly)
  • Let's kick around a few ideas, and see what we find out.
    (= discuss informally)
  • I've got an old camera kicking around somewhere.
    (= lying unused)
  • I hear that David's been kicked out of the company.
    (= made to leave)
  • The football match kicks off at 3 o'clock.
    (= starts)
  • The passengers kicked up a fuss when their luggage did not arrive.
    (= complained loudly)

Check out these related words

  • hit
  • punch
  • boot
  • give up

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