Headway Word of the Week

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A quarrel is an argument about something that isn't very important. You usually quarrel with someone you know.

  • I'm sorry I'm in a bad mood. My wife and I had a quarrel about who should do the washing up this morning.
  • The children were quarrelling about who should sit in the front seat of the car.
Check out collocations
  • a petty quarrel
    (= about something unimportant)
  • to have a quarrel
  • Peter is always quarrelling with his sister.
    (with + someone)
  • The neighbours are always quarrelling about what they should watch on TV.
    (about + something)

Check out the adjective


  • He's such a quarrelsome person - really unpleasant to be with.
    (= describes someone who tends to quarrel all the time)

Check out related words

  • argue
  • argument
  • row
  • discuss
  • discussion
  • squabble

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