Headway Word of the Week

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A stranger is someone you don't know.

  • A stranger walked into the bar. Nobody had ever seen him before.
Check out collocations with adjectives

a complete stranger
a total stranger
a perfect stranger
(all these are ways to emphasize that you don't know the person at all)

Check out collocations with to

  • The traveller was a stranger to the customs of the local people.
  • The politician was no stranger to corruption.
    (= have/not have experience)
Check out this expression
  • Hello stranger!
    (= I haven't seen you for ages)
Check out stranger and foreigner

A stranger is someone you don't know, but they could be someone who lives near you.
A foreigner is someone from a different country, but they could be your best friend.

Which of the following sentences is good advice for children?

  • You shouldn't talk to strangers.
  • You shouldn't talk to foreigners
Check out related words
  • foreigner
  • alien

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