Headway Word of the Week

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Filthy means very, very dirty.

  • Look at Joey. He's covered in mud. He's absolutely filthy.
Check out the adjective and its collocations

With adverbs

  • really filthy
  • absolutely filthy

With nouns

  • filthy clothes, filthy children
    (= very, very dirty)
  • a filthy day, filthy weather
    (= the weather is very, very bad, with lots of rain and wind - informal)
  • filthy language, a filthy book/magazine, a filthy mind
    (= rude/pornographic)

Check out the adverb and its collocations

  • He's filthy rich.
    (= very, very rich)
  • It's filthy dirty.
    (= very, very dirty)

Check out the noun

Look at the filth in this room. It will take a week to clean it.
(= thick, horrible dirt)
I looked at that article in the magazine. It's pure filth!
(= offensively pornographic)

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