At the doctor’s

Click on the words in the correct order.

  1. What
  2. seems
  3. to
  4. be
  5. the
  6. problem?
  1. I
  2. haven't
  3. felt
  4. well
  5. for
  6. a
  7. few
  8. days.
  1. What
  2. symptoms
  3. do
  4. you
  5. have?
  1. I've
  2. got
  3. a
  4. sore
  5. throat
  6. and
  7. it
  8. hurts
  9. to
  10. swallow.
  1. I
  2. think
  3. you
  4. have
  5. an
  6. infection.
  1. What
  2. should
  3. I
  4. do?
  1. Take
  2. things
  3. easy
  4. and
  5. get
  6. plenty
  7. of
  8. rest.