In a restaurant

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

  1. Are
  2. you
  3. ready
  4. to
  5. order?
  1. I'd
  2. like
  3. the
  4. salmon
  5. salad,
  6. please.
  1. What
  2. would
  3. you
  4. like
  5. to
  6. eat?
  1. A
  2. sparkling
  3. water
  4. for
  5. me,
  6. please.
  1. I'll
  2. bring
  3. the
  4. chocolate
  5. cake
  6. immediately.
  1. Would
  2. you
  3. like
  4. anything
  5. else
  6. to
  7. drink?