Test 8: Modals for possibility; 'Have to'

Choose the correct answer.

  1. It's warm enough. We to the beach.
  2. We some more fairy lights for the carnival float.
  3. Soon, there a new wind farm on that hill.
  4. Helen to university. She'll decide next year.
  5. Mrs Davison's busy but she has helped with the cooking before. She us again.
  6. What can we do about all the old paper at school? ~ We it.
  7. I to the aviary when we visit the zoo – I've seen it before.
  8. I know it's cloudy – but it .
  9. The good news is our team take part in the tournament.
  10. If you to lose weight, you could stop eating fast food.
  11. We for a walk if it rains.
  12. If it's a small cut, you a plaster.
  13. If additives, the cake might not taste so good.
  14. The team more games if they practised more.
  15. If you don't eat the right food, you enough energy.
  16. He's a good manager. We very hard to get in the team.
  17. When they were children, Grandma and Grandpa every morning at 5 o'clock.
  18. a dressing on that burn!
  19. Isabel's only 4! her a ticket for the museum?
  20. Dora was lucky – she any homework last night.
  21. Does a football referee have to have a whistle? ~
  22. When Dad was at school, a tie?
  23. to the party but I hope you do!
  24. the bus to school?
  25. famous to have a happy life? ~ No, you don't.