Test 4: The past continuous and the past simple; 'Used to'

Choose the correct answer.

  1. We on a first aid course yesterday.
  2. I'm sorry to bother you. something important?
  3. the first aeroplane?
  4. I a book when my headache started.
  5. When I the doctor he wasn't wearing his white coat.
  6. Dad was making a new tree house when he his hand.
  7. When they interviewed the actor she somewhere in Europe.
  8. I on my mobile when I met you.
  9. The electricity off when you were doing your homework!
  10. The car when the boy ran out.
  11. TV when they interviewed our teacher?
  12. Dad when he was wearing the carnival costume?
  13. to London when the car broke down?
  14. Were they playing basketball when it started to rain?
  15. Did Columbus discover America when he was looking for a way to get to India?
  16. When you were making the cake all the ingredients?
  17. When she was young, Mum a lot of tennis.
  18. People cars which used a lot of petrol.
  19. Before the museum opened we know much about the history of our town.
  20. go to the same school?
  21. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables now. I until I found out about healthy eating.
  22. Did you use to dream of being an actor when you were a child?
  23. In the past, did people use to travel as much as we do now?
  24. Before you put in the solar panels, did the house use to be very expensive to heat?
  25. Before television was invented, to the radio more?