Test 9: 'Some', 'any' and plural nouns

Choose the correct answer.

  1. There are in the shop.
  2. There aren’t in the bedroom.
  3. any chairs in the garden.
  4. new computers in the school.
  5. some swings at the park.
  6. I’ve got a pastry in my lunchbox. I like
  7. In my family there's one child. In Jill’s family there are four
  8. There’s a new donkey at the farm. Now there are two
  9. You’re eating a cheese sandwich. Do you like cheese
  10. John’s playing with a toy. He’s got some new
  11. I've got a new shelf in my bedroom. Now I’ve got four
  12. You’ve got a tomato. I like
  13. One woman works in the shop. Four work in the school.