12B present continuous for future (1)

Click on the words in the correct order.

  1. We're
  2. going
  3. to
  4. London
  5. for
  6. the
  7. weekend.
  1. Are
  2. you
  3. meeting
  4. any
  5. friends
  6. there?
  1. Mark
  2. is
  3. travelling
  4. to
  5. Portugal
  6. with
  7. his
  8. three
  9. children.
  1. What
  2. are
  3. you
  4. doing
  5. the
  6. day
  7. after
  8. tomorrow?
  1. I
  2. am
  3. having
  4. lunch
  5. with
  6. my
  7. sister
  8. at
  9. a
  10. restaurant.
  1. They
  2. are
  3. staying
  4. in
  5. a
  6. hotel
  7. with
  8. two
  9. swimming
  10. pools.