9A present continuous (1)

Click on the words in the correct order.

  1. Mario
  2. is
  3. waiting
  4. for
  5. a
  6. flight.
  1. We
  2. are
  3. staying
  4. in
  5. a
  6. nice
  7. hotel.
  1. They
  2. aren't
  3. driving
  4. to
  5. the
  6. airport.
  1. It's
  2. cold
  3. and
  4. I'm
  5. wearing
  6. a
  7. coat.
  1. Why
  2. are
  3. you
  4. carrying
  5. a
  6. suitcase?
  1. Zoe
  2. isn't
  3. having
  4. breakfast
  5. because
  6. she
  7. is
  8. late.