8A can / can't (2)

Click on the words in the correct order.

  1. Hello,
  2. can
  3. I
  4. help
  5. you?
  1. Mrs
  2. Smith
  3. can't
  4. walk
  5. fast
  6. because
  7. she
  8. is
  9. 92
  10. years
  11. old.
  1. I
  2. like
  3. Adam.
  4. He
  5. can
  6. come
  7. with
  8. us.
  1. I
  2. don't
  3. know.
  4. I
  5. can't
  6. answer
  7. that.
  1. No
  2. problem,
  3. you
  4. can
  5. sit
  6. here.
  1. Can
  2. I
  3. have
  4. the
  5. pasta
  6. please?