5A present simple + - : I, you, we, they (1)

Click on the words in the correct order.

  1. I
  2. have
  3. dinner
  4. with
  5. my
  6. family.
  1. We
  2. go
  3. to
  4. a
  5. French
  6. restaurant.
  1. A
  2. lot
  3. of
  4. people
  5. have
  6. coffee
  7. for
  8. breakfast.
  1. They
  2. don't
  3. like
  4. a
  5. big
  6. lunch.
  1. My
  2. friends
  3. and
  4. I
  5. have
  6. coffee
  7. in
  8. a
  9. café.
  1. I
  2. don't
  3. think
  4. sausages
  5. are
  6. very
  7. healthy.