Verbs and verb phrases

Click on the sentences in this dialogue in the correct order.

  1. We
  2. love
  3. to
  4. sample
  5. the
  6. local
  7. cuisine.
  1. My
  2. sister
  3. and
  4. I
  5. wandered
  6. round
  7. the
  8. old
  9. town.
  1. David
  2. had
  3. to
  4. cancel
  5. his
  6. trip
  7. because
  8. of
  9. illness.
  1. The
  2. whole
  3. class
  4. went
  5. on
  6. an
  7. outing
  8. to
  9. the
  10. zoo.
  1. They
  2. chilled
  3. out
  4. after
  5. a
  6. tiring
  7. day.
  1. It
  2. was
  3. the
  4. perfect
  5. place
  6. to
  7. recharge
  8. our
  9. batteries.
  1. We
  2. booked
  3. a
  4. holiday
  5. to
  6. get
  7. away
  8. from
  9. it
  10. all.
  1. She
  2. grabbed
  3. her
  4. purse
  5. and
  6. hit
  7. the
  8. shops!
  1. Our
  2. friends
  3. decided
  4. to
  5. postpone
  6. their
  7. trip
  8. until
  9. spring.
  1. We
  2. set
  3. off
  4. very
  5. early
  6. to
  7. catch
  8. our
  9. flight.