
Click on the sentences in this dialogue in the correct order.

  1. I
  2. don’t
  3. like
  4. my
  5. sister’s
  6. best
  7. friend,
  8. she’s
  9. such
  10. a
  11. pain
  12. in
  13. the
  14. neck.
  1. The
  2. music
  3. teacher
  4. is
  5. a
  6. cold
  7. fish,
  8. he
  9. never
  10. smiles
  11. at
  12. his
  13. students.
  1. My
  2. brother
  3. is
  4. such
  5. a
  6. soft
  7. touch,
  8. he’ll
  9. even
  10. do
  11. my
  12. homework
  13. for
  14. me.
  1. Jake’s
  2. dad
  3. has
  4. such
  5. a
  6. quick
  7. temper,
  8. we
  9. are
  10. all
  11. afraid
  12. of
  13. him.
  1. The
  2. principal
  3. is
  4. quite
  5. strict,
  6. but
  7. she’s
  8. a
  9. very
  10. down
  11. to
  12. earth
  13. person.
  1. His
  2. grandmother
  3. is
  4. so
  5. kind,
  6. she
  7. really
  8. has
  9. a
  10. heart
  11. of
  12. gold.