1 Money

Click on the sentences in this dialogue in the correct order.

  1. You
  2. should
  3. borrow
  4. money
  5. when
  6. the
  7. interest
  8. rate
  9. is
  10. low.
  1. Before
  2. you
  3. buy
  4. foreign
  5. currency,
  6. check
  7. the
  8. exchange
  9. rate.
  1. The
  2. standard
  3. of
  4. living
  5. has
  6. improved
  7. recently.
  1. Going
  2. bankrupt
  3. is
  4. common
  5. for
  6. small
  7. companies
  8. during
  9. a
  10. recession.
  1. I
  2. find
  3. it
  4. easy
  5. to
  6. manage
  7. my
  8. bank
  9. account
  10. online.
  1. She
  2. wants
  3. to
  4. buy
  5. a
  6. new
  7. car
  8. but
  9. can’t
  10. afford
  11. one.
  1. The
  2. cost
  3. of
  4. living
  5. is
  6. high
  7. due
  8. to
  9. inflation.
  1. Few
  2. people
  3. can
  4. buy
  5. property
  6. without
  7. getting
  8. a
  9. mortgage.


2 Money

Complete the text using one word in each space.


Andrew was very lucky to get a government grant to study zoology but his sister, Rosie, had to take out a bank loan for her university course. After graduating, Andrew got a job with a wildlife charity and was lucky again when a wealthy animal-lover decided to make a large donation. This meant he could go to the Antarctic to do some research. Rosie went to work for a bank and paid back the money she had borrowed in instalments. She worked hard and was promoted so she was able to save a lump sum to use as a deposit on her first flat. Andrew never bought a flat but by the end of his life, he had a lot of savings in the bank and he left all of this money to the wildlife charity in his will.