Animal issues

Click on the sentences in this dialogue in the correct order.

  1. I
  2. support
  3. an
  4. organization
  5. which
  6. protects
  7. animals
  8. and
  9. their
  10. environments.
  1. Many
  2. people
  3. believe
  4. it
  5. is
  6. wrong
  7. to
  8. hunt
  9. animals
  10. for
  11. sport.
  1. Animal
  2. rights
  3. activists
  4. protest
  5. against
  6. the
  7. fur
  8. trade.
  1. I
  2. won’t
  3. go
  4. to
  5. any
  6. events
  7. where
  8. animals
  9. are
  10. treated
  11. cruelly.
  1. Animals
  2. bred
  3. in
  4. captivity
  5. may
  6. struggle
  7. to
  8. survive
  9. when
  10. they
  11. are
  12. released
  13. in
  14. the
  15. wild.
  1. On
  2. safari
  3. you
  4. can
  5. see
  6. animals
  7. living
  8. in
  9. the
  10. wild.
  1. The
  2. black
  3. rhino
  4. is
  5. one
  6. of
  7. the
  8. most
  9. endangered
  10. species
  11. on
  12. Earth.
  1. We
  2. should
  3. protest
  4. against
  5. animals
  6. transported
  7. in
  8. inhumane
  9. conditions.