10A adding emphasis (2): cleft sentences

Click on the words in the correct order. Begin with the underlined word.

  1. What
  2. I
  3. missed
  4. was
  5. all
  6. my
  7. old
  8. friends.
  1. All
  2. I
  3. want
  4. is
  5. a
  6. home
  7. of
  8. my
  9. own
  10. somewhere.
  1. What
  2. makes
  3. me
  4. angry
  5. is
  6. her
  7. constant
  8. complaining.
  1. What
  2. happened
  3. was
  4. that
  5. I
  6. lost
  7. my
  8. passport.
  1. The
  2. thing
  3. that
  4. surprised
  5. me
  6. most
  7. was
  8. the
  9. price.
  1. The
  2. reason
  3. why
  4. they
  5. emigrated
  6. is
  7. not
  8. clear.
  1. All
  2. that
  3. happened
  4. was
  5. I
  6. had
  7. to
  8. apologise.
  1. It
  2. was
  3. my
  4. dad
  5. who
  6. first
  7. had
  8. the
  9. idea.
  1. It
  2. is
  3. only
  4. at
  5. the
  6. weekends
  7. that
  8. I
  9. can
  10. relax.
  1. It
  2. was
  3. a
  4. customs
  5. officer
  6. who
  7. stopped
  8. us.