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  • Ray: You say you like animals, do you have any pets?
  • Ann: I like pets, although have any at the moment. We used to have dogs, which was fun because we took them out for walks made them do tricks.
  • Ray: My wife would like to have a cat but I . Well, you must have heard my cat story, almost everyone .
  • Ann: I don’t think . What happened?
  • Ray: I saw this cat near our house stuck at the top of a tree. It was just sitting there looking really sad. I decided to rescue the cat felt sorry for it. I didn’t have a ladder but the neighbours and I borrowed it and climbed up to rescue the cat. I reached out for the cat, it jumped down and as , knocked me off the ladder. I almost broke a leg when I landed. I’m not that keen on cats anymore!
  • Ann: Ha-ha, I guess !