8B expressing future plans and arrangements

Click on the words in the correct order.

  1. We
  2. are
  3. travelling
  4. on
  5. the
  6. same
  7. plane
  8. to
  9. Tokyo.
  1. I
  2. will
  3. be
  4. speaking
  5. to
  6. a
  7. colleague
  8. about
  9. it.
  1. We
  2. are
  3. going
  4. to
  5. set
  6. off
  7. a
  8. little
  9. earlier
  10. than
  11. planned.
  1. She
  2. will
  3. be
  4. waiting
  5. for
  6. us
  7. near
  8. the
  9. entrance.
  1. The
  2. train
  3. leaves
  4. at
  5. six
  6. and
  7. gets
  8. there
  9. an
  10. hour
  11. later.
  1. Someone
  2. else
  3. will
  4. be
  5. looking
  6. after
  7. the
  8. arrangements.
  1. Hurry
  2. up
  3. because
  4. the
  5. match
  6. is
  7. about
  8. to
  9. start.
  1. There
  2. is
  3. due
  4. to
  5. be
  6. an
  7. official
  8. public
  9. announcement.
  1. I
  2. was
  3. on
  4. the
  5. point
  6. of
  7. losing
  8. my
  9. temper
  10. with
  11. her.
  1. The
  2. President
  3. is
  4. to
  5. open
  6. the
  7. memorial
  8. service.