7B verbs of the senses


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  • Janice: What do you think of this portrait of the old Duke?
  • Lilly: He looks a bit in that hat. It’s very realistic though and a bit frightening, I mean those eyes look out at you so .
  • Janice: Yeah, it seems he wants to jump out of the picture and get you. Maybe he is the one watching us here in front of his portrait…
  • Lilly: Let’s move on! that one over there? It looks a watercolour.
  • Janice: Yes, wow, it must be a new one. It smells fresh paint! Oh, it’s by this artist Joe Cartwright. I’m sure we a lot about him in the future. Look, it’s getting late, we better go.
  • Lilly: Shame, we seem out of time. We’ll have to come back before the exhibition closes down. What about next week?
  • Janice. Sorry, but I another friend then. Maybe the Saturday after?
  • Lilly: Great, sounds good.