6B conditional sentences

Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.
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If you can’t understand the instructions,
At that price, if I were you,
If it hadn’t been stopped sooner,
If I didn’t know you better,
I know that if I don’t finish it today,
As long as it still works,
Providing it’s safe,
Had I lied to the police at the questioning,
Suppose I had some evidence,
Even if the rollercoaster is now safe,
phone the special help line.
I’d get one from somewhere else.
the fire would have got out of control.
I would say you did it on purpose.
I’ll regret it.
I don’t care how old it is.
I’ll do it.
I would feel ashamed of myself now.
would you believe me then?
we can’t be sure accidents won’t happen again.