UNIT 10 - Around the world

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My uncle sends us postcards

From the country he is in.

He tells us who he's met

And he tells us what he's been.

He's traveling around the world.

He's sailing on the seas.

He's driving over deserts.

He's going with the breeze.

He said he'd been to Hanoi

And seen a lot of sights.

He told us it was very hot

In the jungle late at night.

He's traveling around the world.

He's sailing on the seas.

He's driving over deserts.

He's going with the breeze.

He said he'd learnt some Mandarin,

Some French and German, too.

He said he'd spoken Spanish

On a mountain in Peru.

He's traveling around the world.

He's sailing on the seas.

He's driving over deserts.

He's going with the breeze.