File 9: Progress Check

Choose the correct answer.

  1. My friend Christine is mark , but that’s what makes her so delightfully interesting. She works from home making art out of recycled objects, and she has two pet owls.
  2. Many endangered species are mark , such as the giant pandas at the National Zoo.
  3. I know this situation isn’t easy, but there’s no way around it. You have to just take the bull by the mark .
  4. Oh, don’t be afraid of Mr. Price. He’s always grumpy, but his bark is worse than his mark .
  5. Why is Lauren being so sweet to me all of a sudden? It’s weird. I smell a mark .
  6. Kathy does mark of the cleaning and chores. Her husband and son barely do anything.
  7. If I were you, I’d wait until you’re sure you’re getting that promotion before you put a down payment on a new car. Don’t count your chickens before they mark .
  8. It’s obvious that Matt has no idea how to behave in a fancy restaurant. He's mark .
  9. Cora’s just not susceptible to criticism. Say anything to her and it’s like mark .
  10. A: Does Stephanie have cats? B: I hope mark . I’m very allergic!
  11. A: Does the restaurant allow dogs? B: : I think mark . I’ve been there with Obie.
  12. I really thought I’d be able to join you for your walk today, but I mark .
  13. I’ve never owned a dog, but Sylvia here mark .
  14. A: Is my cat OK? B: No, mark . Your cat is going to need emergency surgery.
  15. A: Mom, can we please get a goldfish? B: mark , if you promise to take very good care of it.
  16. A Cuban sandwich is a kind of mark sandwich made with roasted pork, ham, and cheese on a baguette style roll.
  17. mark eggs are made by cracking an egg into a pot of simmering water.
  18. I’ll skip the steamed mussels. I’m allergic to mark .
  19. Some North African dishes use mark such as cinnamon and clove to enhance the flavor of the meat.
  20. Melt a teaspoon of butter in the hot mark , then pour some pancake batter on top of it. Flip the pancake when the batter looks dry around the edges and begins to bubble on top.
  21. First, mark the egg whites vigorously until they become foamy and stiff, then add the sugar.
  22. I’m really mark a warm chocolate chip cookie right now. Do you mind if we stop at the bakery?
  23. To make tandoori chicken, you first have to mark chicken thighs in yogurt and spices for eight hours.
  24. I’ll be stopping at mark on my way home from work tonight.
  25. My friend is a mark .
  26. Oh, no! The mark just collapsed when I put the jam jar on it!
  27. Eric bought a really cool antique mark at a flea market.
  28. Dara lives at mark .
  29. Would you mind going up to the mark room and checking on her? I think I hear her waking up.
  30. This bread I bought yesterday is already moldy. I want to talk to the mark , please.