Unit 40 Social sciences, exercise 1

Read the sentences. Do they paraphrase the ideas in text A below accurately (T) or do they change the meaning (F)?

  1. One definition of culture is a set of beliefs and ways of doing things that are common in a particular society.
  2. People behave in a socially acceptable way because they are forced to.
  3. Rules about what is considered normal behaviour are passed from one generation to the next.
  4. If people break the rules, they face severe legal punishments.

A message or some feedback if needed.

A Culture can be seen as a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviours prevalent in a society and that are transmitted from generation to generation (Bates and Plog, 1990). Hofstede (1994), the management scientist, described these elements of culture as software of the mind, "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes members of one category of people from another". The values in the culture are enforced by a set of norms which lay down rules of behaviour. These rules are usually supplemented by a set of sanctions to ensure that the norms are respected. Culture comprises a whole variety of different aspects, including religion, language, non-verbal communication, diet, dress, and institutions to ensure that the values and beliefs are transmitted from one generation to another.

Source: Hamilton, L. & Webster, P. (2009). The International Business Environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p.151.