Review 4 Units 26–36, exercise 2

Read the essay outline below. Write one or two sentences that could appear in the conclusion for each of the three points below. Use the student notes to help you, or use your own ideas. Remember to use emphasis and hedging language from Section 4 where appropriate.

  • Acknowledge a limitation of the essay.
  • Describe possible implications for a) the nature and quality of research and b) researchers.
  • Express your own stance on the topic. Remember this should be objective and based on evidence, not just a personal opinion.

Section 4 Words to learn (PDF)

The essay looks at sources of funding for research within your own university department. It identifies two main sources: public funding (from government research grants) and private funding (from commercial sponsorship). It evaluates the influence of these two funding sources on the type of research conducted and the resources available to researchers.

  • Limitation: only one department in one university
  • Implications for research: private funding = more money and resources, but focus on commercially useful areas > unpopular areas of research neglected; public funding = more academic freedom, but funding often limited and short term > difficult to make progress
  • Implications for researchers: private funding = can't criticize commercial backers; public funding = lots of time-consuming paperwork