Unit 31 Collocation, exercise 1

Read texts A and B below. Match the phrases to the examples from the texts.

An incentive for wildlife conservation
A quantitative research method
A qualitative research method
Income from tourism
Counting the number of eggs a turtle lays
Observing animal behaviour


A boats on a river in Vietnam

Tourism can provide a strong incentive for wildlife conservation. A report commissioned by the WWF found that Kenya's economy earns US$ 250 million from tourism a year and that the Kenyan Wildlife Service benefits directly from tourist income by about US$18 million annually.

B Research methods programmes typically make a distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods. In reality, however, the two often overlap. A biologist researching the nesting behaviour of sea turtles, for example, might collect quantitative data about the time that turtles come up onto a beach, the number of eggs they lay, etc., but they might also make observations about the animals' behaviour and about the attitudes of local people towards the turtles: qualitative data. Both approaches will contribute to their final report.