Unit 10 Time, exercise 1

Write a short paragraph (four to eight sentences) describing a sequence of events. Choose one of the situations below, or one of your own. Try to use some of the words from the unit.

Words to learn Unit 10

  • continuous
  • following
  • forecast
  • forthcoming AWL
  • frequent
  • initial AWL
  • interval AWL
  • period AWL
  • potential AWL
  • preceding
  • preliminary AWL
  • prior to
  • projection AWL
  • sequence AWL
  • subsequently AWL
  • ultimately AWL

example: Prior to starting university, students take an entrance exam.

  • Progress through a higher education system
  • The process of going through an airport
  • The steps involved in researching and writing an essay
  • The process of designing and setting up a website