Unit 37 Linking 2, exercise 1

Read text A below. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

  1. The final cost of the 2012 UK floods was £600 million.
  2. The situation in York has improved recently.
  3. The Environment Agency began by looking at human causes of the flooding.
  4. Although York has grown a lot, developers have been careful where they build.

A message or some feedback if needed.

AOxford Academic Vocabulary Practice In many parts of the UK, the autumn of 2012 was the wettest since official records began in 1766. Major flooding affected many towns and cities, eventually costing the economy £600 million. York, a city with a population of around 200,000, has often been affected by floods in the past. However, the flooding has occurred more frequently and more seriously in recent years. The Environment Agency has carried out studies to highlight the ways that urban development has affected this process. At first, they considered the natural causes. Initial reports showed that in the days before the city flooded, a month's rain fell in 24 hours. Soon after that, the ground became full of water and could no longer absorb falling rain. As soon as this water moved downstream, rivers burst their banks, flooding the surrounding area. However, the study also showed that there were a number of human factors involved at the same time. As the population around the city had grown, trees were cleared from slopes, allowing more housing to be built. Subsequently, housing estates were built on existing flood plains. This meant that the areas which had been designed specifically to hold flood water now had property on them. By the time the water levels increased, these properties were at risk.

Adapted from: Waugh, D. & Bushell, T. (2014). Nelson Key Geography: Foundations. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. pp.38–39.