Unit 26 Problems and solutions, exercise 1

Complete the sentences using the best preposition (in, of, to, etc.) in each gap. Find the highlighted words in texts A and B below to check how they are used.

  1. Unfortunately, there is a lack of information about the long-terms effects of the drug.
  2. The new rules aim to reduce the time it takes to qualify as a doctor.
  3. New production processes will improve the quality of the products.
  4. When looking for a global solution, it is important to take into account cultural differences.
  5. The hospital has strict guidelines for the disposal of clinical waste.


Environmental disasters

Exercsie pictureDuring the early hours of 3 December 1984, the world's worst industrial accident happened in the Indian city of Bhopal. Poisonous gas escaped from a chemical plant and killed at least 3,000 people who lived close to the plant. Around 50,000 suffered permanent disabilities. This is one example of how rapid urbanization and industrialization can lead to environmental disasters in poorer parts of the world. Expanding cities lead to problems of air and water pollution and disposal of waste. Poor regulations and a lack of planning for an environmental emergency make problems worse.

Source: Durman & Ross. (2014). AQA Certificate in Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p.134.


Reducing the problems: finding solutions

In order to address the environmental problems resulting from rapid urbanization and industrialization, there need to be guidelines to indicate what is allowed and what is not.

Air and water pollution are a major issue in many industrial cities. There is a need to encourage the use of new technologies that can minimize pollution. Limits on pollution also need to be enforced so that air and water quality can be improved. For example, in 1986, the Ganga Action Plan aimed to introduce water treatment works on the River Ganges in India, which it did successfully. However, the increasing population was not taken into account and the quality of the water has since deteriorated.

Adapted from: Durman & Ross. (2014). AQA Certificate in Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.