Unit 17 Time, exercise 2

Write a short paragraph (two or three sentences) on one of the topics below. Try to use some of the words from the unit.

Words to learn Unit 17

  • annual (adj) AWL
  • brief (adj) AWL
  • century (n)
  • contemporary (adj) AWL
  • current (adj)
  • currently (adv)
  • decade (n) AWL
  • duration (n) AWL
  • long-term (adj)
  • ongoing (adj) AWL
  • period (n) AWL
  • permanent (adj)
  • present (adj)
  • recent (adj)
  • recently (adv)
  • short-term (adj)
  • temporary (adj) AWL
  • Describe how your country is changing in terms of population or where people live.
  • Discuss the importance of a good memory when studying.
  • Predict how your country will change this century.