Unit 7 Academic language, exercise 1

Choose the best meaning to match the highlighted word in the sentences.

  1. Biotechnology is a growing field of study.

    a an area of land

    b a particular subject

  2. This paper examines the effects of competition between internet providers.

    a an event that people try to win

    b a situation where organizations try to be the most successful

  3. He took a teaching position at the University of North Carolina.

    a the place where sth is

    b a job

  4. There are public concerns about the safety of nuclear power.

    a energy used for making electricity

    b political control

  5. Experts predict a rise of two to three degrees Celsius in average global temperatures.

    a a measurement

    b university qualifications

  6. The exhibition includes photographs of celebrities and other public figures.

    a numbers

    b people

A message or some feedback if needed.