Unit 3 Verbs and adverbs, exercise 1

Read text A below and answer the questions.

  1. What can a river deal with naturally?

    Answer: a certain amount of pollution

  2. What cannot continue if there is too much pollution?

    Answer: the natural process of diluting pollutants to safe levels

  3. What do pollutants damage?

    Answer: the habitat

  4. What cannot survive if there is too much pollution?

    Answer: fish

  5. What spreads to affect the whole river?

    Answer: the pollution


dead fish A river can naturally deal with a certain amount of pollution. The water dilutes the pollutants to safe levels. However, beyond a certain point this natural process cannot continue. When this happens, the water is not safe to drink. The pollutants damage the habitat and fish cannot survive. As the pollution spreads, the whole river can be affected.