Professional Development
Discover our Professional Development resources designed to help you connect, learn, and grow.
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- Doing Second Language Research
- Exploring Learner Language
- Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching
- Focus on Literacy
- How Languages are Learned
- Language Assessment in Practice
- Educating Second Language Teachers
- Resource Books for Teachers
- Teaching Young Language Learners second edition
- Understanding Second Language Acquisition
- Language Course Management
- Focus on Vocabulary Learning
- English for Academic Purposes
- Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching
- Focus on Grammar and Meaning
- Focus on Oral Interaction
- How Vocabulary is Learned
- Language Learner Strategies
- Practical Classroom English
- Second Language Learning in the Early School Years
- Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition
- English Medium Instruction
- Language Course Planning
- Ethnographic Perspectives on Academic Writing
- Focus on Assessment
- Focus on Learning Technologies
- Focus on Reading
- Into the Classroom
- Language Teaching Competences
- Putting CLIL into Practice
- Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the ELT Classroom
- Technology Enhanced Language Learning
- Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers
- Fairness, Justice, and Language Assessment
Focus Papers
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Empower your English language teaching with expert advice
Position papers and focus papers (5 – 30 pages)
Built on research and classroom practice, our position papers offer practical guidance on the major issues shaping language teaching. Our smaller focus papers offer bite-sized insights and tips for the classroom.

Our blog
Subscribe to our Blog to receive updates of interest to you. These are the latest for Professional Development.
Top 3 Tips To Motivate Mixed-Ability Classes
6 November 2023
What’s the best way to boost the motivation of learners in mixed-ability groups? Teachers sometimes feel that it is their job to animate the class....
Effective Classroom Management Tips For Young Learners
27 October 2023
Teaching young learners is a joy, but it can also be a challenge. Their energy is wonderful but often needs direction, so it’s crucial to...
How Can Your Expectations Affect Learner Motivation?
14 August 2023
This is my second blog about how teachers may unconsciously affect their learners’ motivation. In the first, I discussed the teacher’s own feelings...
The majority of our Professional Development titles are now also available in e-book format.