Business English and ESP
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Articles and guides
Business writing in today’s world PDF (241 KB)
Participating effectively online as a professional is crucial for today’s Business English students. Find out why in this article and get ideas for your writing lessons.
A guide to teaching with reduced contact hours - adults PDF (235 KB)
Make the most of the classroom time available when your contact hours with students are reduced.
A guide to teaching teenagers and adults online PDF (579 KB)
Get expert advice on making the shift from the physical classroom to the remote classroom.
Five misconceptions of Business English PDF (233 KB)
Business Result author John Hughes corrects some of the preconceptions around teaching Business English – it’s not boring!
Our blog
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Developing Global Skills in the ELT classroom | ELTOC 2020
11 October 2019
In the simplest sense, global skills can be thought of as the skills which are essential to being a life-long learner and to be successful in the...
Preparing students for life on a different planet | OUP
17 January 2019
Every generation brings something new to the education table. That goes without saying. So far, however, we’ve been able to identify our students’...
Learning and teaching pragmatics | Anna Krulatz
3 October 2018
Successful communication entails much more than following the rules of grammar, having a large lexicon, and speaking in a way that is intelligible to...