Welcome to the Navigate Teacher's Site.
Here you will find lots of great resources to support you when using Navigate in your classroom. Please have a look at the list below to see what useful resources are available for you.
Teacher's Guides
Download your Navigate Teacher's Guides.
Common European Framework of Reference Mapping
These documents map Navigate to the CEFR. There are two documents: an overview and the full mapping document. The overview is a quick guide to what is covered, and the full document contains the descriptors and a detailed breakdown of the Student’s book showing where they are covered in each lesson.
Audio Scripts
Full listening scripts from the Student’s Book as Word documents to adapt and use in your lessons.
- Navigate A1 audioscripts DOC (688 KB)
- Navigate A2 audioscripts DOC (758 KB)
- Navigate B1 audioscripts DOC (706 KB)
- Navigate B1+ audioscripts DOC (725 KB)
- Navigate B2 audioscripts DOC (725 KB)
- Navigate C1 audioscripts DOC (725 KB)
Sample Units
Full sample units available including audio and video content from Teacher's Guide, Coursebook and Workbook allowing you to experience this truly adult, truly international course at your convenience.
Sample Unit Videos
Every unit in Navigate includes a video lesson – either a documentary or authentic interview which supports the unit topic
Vocabulary mind maps
Mind maps for each unit of every level of Navigate. The mind maps are an excellent tool to help students categorize and memorize the vocabulary. They can be used to understand the relationships between words and are a useful aid for those who have a visual learning style. Each mind map is supplied in two versions: Complete: a version that contains all the lexical items in the unit; Practice: a blank version for use in class, so you can test the vocabulary in the unit and also add in other words if you want.
Grammar Powerpoints
Grammar Powerpoints for classroom use to look at grammar points for the lesson in detail.
Video scripts
Full scripts for the Coursebook videos and Vox Pops videos.
Teaching students with dyslexia
In this section you will find specially adapted versions of the main reading texts from the Student's Book of Navigate Elementary. These downloadable reading texts have been visually simplified and are presented in a format which is helpful for students with dyslexia.
Watch four lesson overview videos for the B1 level with course advisor Catherine Walter.
Articles written by Navigate contributors covering Reading, Listening, Grammar, and the Oxford 3000 Vocabulary list.
Scope and Sequence
The Navigate syllabuses.
- Navigate A1 Syllabus PDF (184 KB)
- Navigate A2 Syllabus PDF (696 KB)
- Navigate B1 Syllabus PDF (693 KB)
- Navigate B1+ Syllabus PDF (694 KB)
- Navigate B2 Syllabus PDF (162 KB)
- Navigate C1 Syllabus PDF (159 KB)
Component Maps PDF (1 MB)
An overview of all the components available with Navigate for both teachers and students.
Coursebook Answer Keys
Download the Navigate Coursebook answer keys to use in your lessons.
Test content from Teacher’s Resource Discs
End of course, Progress, Unit, Speaking and Writing tests for testing your students, plus answer keys and audio files
Workbook Answer Keys
Download the Navigate Workbook answer keys to use in your lessons.