Compartir Imprimir Welcome to the Engage Teacher’s Site. Here you can find extra resources to support your teaching with Engage 2nd edition, and Engage Special Edition with online practice. Don't forget to visit the Engage Student’s Website, too. It contains e-cards, web quests, dialogues, picture dictionaries, and more, all of which can be used on a computer or on an interactive whiteboard! Web Quest teacher’s notes Teacher’s notes and answer keys for the Web Quest worksheets on the Student’s Website. The Web Quests are designed to encourage students to search authentic websites for information. Web Quest teacher's notes Starter PDF (2 MB) Web Quest teacher's notes Level 1 PDF (2 MB) Web Quest teacher's notes Level 2 PDF (2 MB) Web Quest teacher's notes Level 3 PDF (2 MB) Acknowledgements Engage Special Edition Tests A set of new editable Unit tests, Review tests and Listening tests for every level of Engage Special Edition.