Compartir Imprimir Welcome to the Oxford Word Skills Student’s Site. Here you will find lots of interesting activities to help you get the most out of Oxford Word Skills. We hope you enjoy using these extra resources. Activities Advanced Crossword PDF (74 KB) Advanced Speaking game PDF (69 KB) Intermediate Labelling exercise PDF (5 MB) Flash cards Basic Flash cards PDF (1 MB) Intermediate Flash cards PDF (8 MB) Learning Record Advanced Learning record PDF (89 KB) Basic Learning record PDF (103 KB) Intermediate Learning record PDF (98 KB) Oxford Learner's Pocket Phrasal Verbs and Idioms PDF (220 KB) Oxford Learner's Pocket Phrasal Verbs and Idioms helps to increase your knowledge of phrasal verbs and idioms in one compact, easy-to-use book. Topics include home technology, social English and study, with special units on speaking English, aspects of phrasal verbs, and particles with specific meanings. Download the wordlist and test yourself on the 1,500 phrases included in the book. Vocabulary Calendar Advanced Vocabulary Calendar PDF (324 KB) Intermediate Vocabulary Calendar PDF (1 MB) Audio Oxford Word Skills 1e Advanced Texts audio (units 1–40) ZIP (577 KB) Oxford Word Skills 1e Advanced Texts audio (units 41–80) ZIP (372 KB) Oxford Word Skills 1e Advanced Units audio ZIP (587 KB) Oxford Word Skills 1e Intermediate Dialogues, Notebooks and Units audio ZIP (597 KB) Oxford Word Skills 1e Intermediate Texts and Wordlists audio ZIP (587 KB) Idioms and Phrasal Verbs How did English idioms come into use? Read the meanings and histories of some popular English idioms in our free worksheets. Each worksheet contains four idioms with explanations, and a short activity to help you use them. Mini-phrasebook Basic Mini-phrasebook PDF (864 KB) Intermediate Mini-phrasebook PDF (1 MB) Oxford Learner's Pocket Word Skills Wordlist PDF (721 KB) Oxford Learner’s Pocket Word Skills helps to increase your vocabulary in one compact, easy-to-use book. Topics include the news, technology and the environment, with special units on essay writing, exam questions and spoken English. Download the wordlist and test yourself on the 3,500 words and phrases included in the book, plus check pronunciation.