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A dangerous criminal is on the run after he jumped out of a prison van. John McCabe 1. wasn't seenhasn't been seensince 11pm last night. McCabe 2. has been sentencedwas sentencedto twelve years in prison last year for committing six armed robberies. Police 3. are askinghave been askedanyone with information about his whereabouts to contact them immediately. A busy commuter train 4. has been crashedhas crashedthis morning in Tokyo. Fortunately, no-one was killed, but 43 people 5. were injuredwere being injured. The accident 6. was happenedhappenedduring rush hour in the Tokyo underground. Such incidents 7. are being rareare rarein Japan,where the public transport system is famous for its safety and efficiency. An investigation into how the accident happened 8. will be heldwill holdby the Tokyo transport authorities.