Headway Word of the Week

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Right is the opposite of left.

  • My house is the first one on the right.

Right is also the opposite of wrong, meaning correct, both factually and morally.

  • That's the right answer.
  • It isn't right that some people are rich while others are hungry.

Right can also mean exactly, immediately, completely and all the way.

  • She arrived right on time.
  • Could you come over right away?
  • He was right out of his mind.
  • He drove right into a wall.

Check out compounds

  • right-handed/right-footed
    Most people are right-handed.
  • right-wing
    Bush is a Republican. He is a right-wing politician.
  • right-hand man
    I can depend on Smith. He's my right-hand man.
  • right-thinking
    Most right-thinking people, people with sensible opinions, would agree with me.

Check out expressions

  • That's right.
    ( = That's correct)
    'So, you two are brothers?' 'Yes. That's right.'
  • Right now.
    ( = Immediately)
    Go to bed right now!.
  • It's the right way up.
    ( = The top and bottom are in the correct place)
    The package is fragile. Make sure it's the right way up.
  • She's as right as rain.
    ( = She's fine)
    She had an accident yesterday, but now she's as right as rain.
  • I'd give my right arm to do that.
    ( = I'd do anything to do that)
    I'd give my right arm to meet Brad Pitt.
  • She was in the right place at the right time.
    ( = She was lucky)
    I got the job because I was in the right place at the right time.
  • No-one in their right mind would do that.
    ( = Normal people wouldn't do that)
    No-one in their right mind would go bungee-jumping.
  • He's not right in the head.
    ( = He's crazy)
    Don't listen to John. He's not right in the head.

Check out other related words

  • left
  • conservative
  • correct
  • exact

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