Unit 18 Compare and contrast, exercise 2

Compare and contrast one or more of the ideas below using words and expressions from the unit. Describe both differences and similarities.

Words to learn Unit 18

  • alike
  • alternative AWL
  • analogy AWL
  • as opposed to
  • common
  • conflicting AWL
  • contradict AWL
  • conversely AWL
  • differentiate between AWL
  • distinctly AWL
  • dissimilar  AWL
  • identical AWL
  • on the contrary
  • similarity AWL
  • variation AWL
  • Study at high-school level and at university level
  • Daily life or cultural norms in your own country and another country you have lived in
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Two different theories or approaches in your discipline, e.g. macroeconomics and microeconomics