Unit 41 Environmental science, exercise 1

Read text A below. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

  1. Governments should use water, solar and wind energy to keep the environment clean.
  2. Popular sources of energy cause a lot of pollution.
  3. There is nothing that people can do to help improve the environment.
  4. It is important to reuse and recycle products.
  5. Recycling has no negative effects on the environment.

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Oxford Academic Vocabulary PracticeGovernments can help to protect the environment by using more renewables. These are types of energy from sources that will not end. Examples of renewable energy sources include moving water (hydroelectric power, tidal power and wave power), solar energy and wind energy. This energy supply contrasts with commonly used resources such as fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas), which will eventually run out. Burning fossil fuels creates high levels of pollution.

Individuals can also protect the environment by trying to reuse and recycle as much as possible. The recycling of waste materials means they can be used again. For example, waste such as used plastic bottles can be made into fibres for clothing. Although it is important to recycle, the process still causes some level of pollution because it involves collection, sorting and processing before the waste can be used in the production of new products.