Unit 40 Technology, exercise 1

Write a short paragraph (two or three sentences) about one of the topics below. Try to use some of the words from the unit.

Words to learn Unit 40

  • application (n)
  • automatically (adv) AWL
  • code (n) AWL
  • data (n) AWL
  • design (n) AWL
  • design (v) AWL
  • device (n) AWL
  • digital (adj)
  • electrical (adj)
  • electronic (adj)
  • equipment (n) AWL
  • input (v) AWL
  • security (n) AWL
  • software (n)
  • storage (n)
  • store (v)
  • system (n)
  • technical (adj) AWL
  • technology (n) AWL
  • A piece of technology that you use every day
  • A piece of technology that has changed the way people live
  • How technology is used in your studies