Unit 37 Linking 2, exercise 3

Write a short paragraph (two or three sentences) about one of the topics below. Try to use some of the words from the unit.

Words to learn Unit 37

  • after that (prep)
  • afterwards (adv)
  • as soon as (phr)
  • at first (phr)
  • at last (phr)
  • at the same time (phr)
  • by the time (phr)
  • eventually (adv) AWL
  • initial (adj) AWL
  • initially (adv) AWL
  • in recent years (phr)
  • in the meantime (phr)
  • in the past (phr)
  • subsequently (adv) AWL
  • whenever (conj)
  • Describe a situation that you are familiar with which has changed over time.
  • Describe a sequence or order of events that you are familiar with.
  • Explain the different steps you need to take to learn a language.