Unit 34 Hedging, exercise 1

Read the sentences from a student's writing and the tutor's feedback. Rewrite the sentences using hedging language from this unit. More than one option may be possible.

Words to learn Unit 34

  • appear (v)
  • indicate (v)
  • likely (adj)
  • more or less (phr)
  • normally (adv) AWL
  • on the whole (phr)
  • overall (adv) AWL
  • perhaps (adv)
  • possible (adj)
  • potentially (adv) AWL
  • relatively (adv)
  • seem (v)
  • somewhat (adv) AWL
  • tend to (v)
  • typically (adv)

example: People aged under 25 use the internet more frequently than older people.

Is that true for all younger/older people?

Typically, people aged under 25 tend to use the internet more frequently than older people.

  1. Despite a number of minor problems, the scheme was very successful.
    If there were problems, was it completely successful?

    Answer: Despite a number of minor problems, overall/on the whole, the scheme was very successful.

  2. Coral reefs are seriously affected by rises in sea temperature.
    I don't think the research has 100% proven this link yet.

    Answer: Coral reefs seem/appear to be seriously affected by rises in sea temperature

  3. Solar power offers a solution to producing clean, cheap energy in developing countries.
    Is it certain to work in all contexts? Isn't it quite expensive to set up?

    Answer: Solar power offers a potential/possible solution to producing clean, relatively cheap energy in developing countries.

  4. The study shows that bilingual children have better memory skills than children who only speak one language.
    This is only one study – can we say that it clearly proves the link? Is it true for all children?

    Answer: The study indicates/suggests that bilingual children may/typically have better memory skills than children who only speak one language.