Unit 21 Statistics, exercise 1

The table shows information about the test scores of a class of children. Write a short paragraph (three or four sentences) describing the statistics. Try to use some of the words from the unit. You could include answers to these questions:

  • Are the majority of the class girls/boys?
  • What is the average age/score?
  • What proportion/percentage of the children passed/failed the test?

Words to learn Unit 21

  • average (n)
  • calculate (v)
  • divide by (phrasal v)
  • formula (n) AWL
  • fraction (n)
  • majority (n) AWL
  • mean (n)
  • minority (n) AWL
  • per cent (n) AWL
  • percentage (n) AWL
  • proportion (n) AWL
  • statistics (n)
  • total (n)
  • value (n)
  Tom Anna Amy Zac Eva Jon Mira Ines Sian Nik
Age 8 9 9 10 8 9 9 10 9 9
Gender M F F M F M F F F M
Test score* 7 8 6 9 4 7 8 10 6 5

* Test scores are out of 10. Students need to score 6/10 to pass the test.