Home Get Started Get Started with Oxford English Hub Let's get you startedwith Oxford English Hub Everything you need to get set up is here. Learn how to: Register and sign in Go to www.oxfordenglishhub.com Sign in with your Oxford ID account details or register to create one Select My Courses, click Redeem a code and enter your 12-digit access code Already using the digital components for the courses now available on Oxford English Hub? Find out here. Go to www.oxfordenglishhub.com Sign in with your Oxford ID account details You are now signed in to Oxford English Hub where you can access your course material in the My Courses area Set up your school How do I set up my school? Before you can create classes, your organization account needs to be created. Only one person in your school needs to create the organization account. Is this you? Use this step-by-step guide to find out (PDF, 1.66MB) Once you have decided on your role (Organization Administrator or Teacher), use the Step-By-Step Guide, and watch these videos to get set up! Get started for organization administrators Sign in or create a new account Your Oxford English Hub Dashboard Redeem an access code Create an Organization account Add students and teachers to the Organization Add licences Create Classes of students and assign digital course material to them in 3 easy steps Adding teachers to classes Using and editing class joining codes Track students’ progress Changing a teacher to an organization administrator and removing people from classes Get started for teachers Sign in or create a new account Your Oxford English Hub Dashboard Redeem an access code Join your organization Create Classes of students and assign digital course material to them in 3 easy steps Using class joining codes Track students’ progress Removing people from classes Get your students set up How do I get my students set up? The videos and instructions below will support your students to register and sign in, join your organization, and redeem their access code to access their digital course material. There are 2 ways they can do this. They can: Follow the instructions in the email inviting them to join the school sent by the organization administrator. Join the school and their class using a class joining code. They can use an access code that starts with either a number or the letter S. If you are going to assign licenses (access codes) on behalf of your students, they will not need to redeem their own access codes. They just need to sign in or register to access their digital course materials. Download these instructions to give to your students or their parents and ask them to watch these videos to help them get started: How to sign in and redeem an access code from an email invitation (PDF, 1MB) How to sign in and redeem an access code and a class joining code (PDF, 1MB) Learn about the gradebook How do I use the gradebook and track students’ progress? Watch this video to find out more! The progress area on Oxford English Hub View the class gradebook by unit View the class gradebook by section and activity View individual students’ scores in the gradebook Manually marked activities in the gradebook Exporting the score data in the gradebook Learn about Classroom Presentation Tools Plan and teach ready-to-go lessons with Classroom Presentation Tools. Watch this video to find out more! Play audio and video, and show scripts Launch activities and show answers one-by-one or all at once Hide and show images and words Voice record for pronunciation practice Look up words in the online dictionary Expand content with focus tool Add audio and text notes Annotate with pen and highlighter tool Easily navigate the Classroom Presentation Tool with jump-to-page and bookmarks Use this handy guide to get started with your Classroom Presentation Tools and make the most of the great features they include. Handy Guide - Classroom Presentation Tools (PDF) Learn about Online Practice Keep your students learning outside the classroom with Online Practice. Watch this video to find out more! Practise with a variety of interactive activities Lock and unlock units and activities to set practice Motivate students with instant automated marking and awards Look up words in the online dictionary Communicate with students using messages and discussions Track student and class progress Use this handy guide to get yourself and your students started with your course Online Practice and make the most of the great features. Handy Guide - Online Practice (PDF) Need more help? Go to the Oxford English Hub Help and Support where you can find frequently asked questions and detailed instructions which will guide you through the steps you need help with. The help and support is available in 22 languages. If you can’t find the answer you need you can contact us directly by going to the contact us section of help and support. Go to Contact us where you can send us an email using the online form, phone us or use the ‘Live chat’ feature.