OUP ELT Expert Advisory Board Members

Discover the experts who help us ensure that our products and services are informed by the current research and best practices in the field, which helps us meet your needs and the needs of your students in the best possible way

Theodora Alexopoulou

Theodora Alexopoulou

Dr Alexopoulou is an Assistant Professor in Language Acquisition and Language Typology at the University of Cambridge. She is interested in natural language syntax, as a manifestation of the human cognitive capacity for language, and in the way syntax shapes language learning. Her practical goal is to develop learning methods and tools that can address learning challenges and improve outcomes. She approaches these questions through Chomsky’s generative syntax and a combination of experimental and corpus data, in particular big data from online foreign language learning platforms.

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Dr Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Dr Jason Anderson is a multiple-award-winning teacher educator, author, and researcher with experience working in education systems around the world, particularly in the global South. He researches and writes on topics including language teaching methodology, multilingual policy and practice, teacher expertise, and teacher reflection. He is the author of ten books, numerous research papers, articles, and reports.

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Dr Hamish Chalmers

Hamish Chalmers

Dr Hamish Chalmers is the Course Director of the MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching (ALLT). He lectures and supervises on the MSc Applied Linguistics & Second Language Acquisition (ALSLA) and the MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching (ALLT).

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Marie Delaney

Paul Driver

Marie is a Director of Trauma Responsive Education. She is a teacher, educational psychotherapist, trainer and writer based in Cork, with extensive experience of working with students who have been affected by traumatic experiences and who display challenging behaviour. She’s worked in non-formal education, mainstream and special school settings in the UK and Ireland and now works internationally offering training and consultancy, training teachers and school counsellors, most recently in the post-conflict areas of Iraq and Lebanon.
As a practitioner she always wants to know ‘How can theory be applied in reality to understand and support those students who are at risk of disconnecting from learning?’
Her publications include: ‘Teaching the Unteachable’ ( 2008), ‘What can I do with the kid who…’ (2010), ‘Attachment for Teachers’ (2017), ‘Into the Classroom: Special Educational Needs’ (2016).


Paul Driver

Paul Driver

Paul is the Director of Simulation-based Learning at Anglia Ruskin University. He specializes in immersive educational scenario development and holds an M.A. in Creative Media Practice in Education. He has 25 years of language teaching experience and is an award-winning educational materials writer, a teacher trainer, and graphic designer.

Abel Gálvez Benito

Abel Gálvez Benito

Abel Gálvez Benito is a teacher and teacher trainer. He began teaching English in 1992 and has been teaching teenagers at INS Torre del Palau for 23 years. He has been very active with the implementation of ICT and Mobile Learning projects at his school. In 2020 he joined the Centre de Recursos Pedagògics de Terrassa as an educational advisor and teacher trainer.

Kathleen Kampa

Kathleen Kampa

Kathleen Kampa is a teacher, teacher-trainer, author, and songwriter who specializes in working with young learners. As a PYP teacher, she has been actively teaching young learners in Tokyo, Japan for over 30 years. Kathleen promotes an inquiry-based approach to teaching through which students develop 21st-century skills. She is co-author of four ELT primary courses published by Oxford University Press, including Magic Time, Everybody Up, Oxford Discover, and Beehive/Buzz.

Blog: Magic Time Kids
Facebook: Kathleen Kampa Vilina Facebook Profile
YouTube: Kathy Kampa
Linked In: Kathleen (Kathy) Kampa Vilina
Pinterest: Kathy Kampa
Academia.edu: Kathleen Kampa Vilina

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OUP ELT Global Blog

Judit Kormos

Judit Kormos

Judit Kormos is a Professor in Second Language Acquisition at Lancaster University. Her research focuses on the cognitive processes involved in learning and using additional languages and inclusive language teaching. She has published widely on the effect of dyslexia on learning additional languages, including the book “The Second Language Acquisition Process of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties” (Routledge, 2017), and with Anne-Margaret Smith co-authored the book Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences (Multilingual Matters). She is also the author of several research papers that have investigated the accessibility of language tests for young learners. She was a key partner in the EU-sponsored Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language and the Comics for Inclusive Language Teaching projects, both of which won the British Council’s ELTon award. She is the lead educator of the Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching massive open online learning course offered by FutureLearn and has run teacher education workshops and webinars on inclusive language teaching in a large variety of international contexts.

Alison Mackey

Alison Mackey

Alison Mackey is a Professor at Georgetown University, where she is also Chair of the Department of Linguistics. She researches how second languages are learned and how they can best be taught. She has published 100+ journal articles and book chapters, as well as 19 books, all on various topics of language learning and teaching. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Cambridge University Press’s the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, a top-ranked journal. She is one of the most highly cited scholars in the world in applied linguistics and second language research (with 30,000+ citations), and has won a number of major prizes and honors, including, most recently, both the American Association of Applied Linguistics Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award (2022) and the International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching’s Distinguished Achievement Award along with the Modern Language Association’s Kenneth W. Mildenburger prize. She has taught linguistics and trained language teachers in the U.K., Japan, Spain, Australia, and the U.S. Her graduate training was at Cambridge University in the UK and Sydney University in Australia. She has advised many high-profile companies, including Berlitz, Rosetta Stone, and Age of Learning (where she is a member of the curriculum board). She has worked with a wide variety of educational programs, including those with international baccalaureate programs and leading independent and public schools. She is a frequent invited speaker at professional conferences, and has given talks at the US State Department, the Foreign Service Institute, the IMF, the US office for Naval Research (Global), and the World Bank amongst others.

Fiona Mauchline

Fiona Mauchline

Fiona Mauchline is a teacher, teacher trainer, writer, and ELT consultant based in Oxford. She is currently a member of teaching staff at the Hertford College, Oxford University, but also lived and taught in Spain for 28 years before her return to the UK. Her professional interests include secondary education, neuroscience, cognitive development, motivation, CLIL, material writing, vocabulary teaching, and creative writing.

Paul Meara

Paul Meara

Paul Meara is best known for his work on L2 vocabulary acquisition. He worked at Birkbeck College London and Swansea University before retiring in 2005 to take up a role in Local Government. He now holds an Honorary Research Fellowship in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford.

University Profile

Sarah Mercer

Sarah Mercer

Sarah Mercer is Professor of Foreign Language Teaching at the University of Graz, Austria, where she is Head of ELT methodology. Her research interests include all aspects of the psychology surrounding the foreign language learning and teaching experience. She is the author, co-author, and co-editor of several books in this area.


Detmar Meurers

Detmar Meurers

Detmar Meurers is a professor of computational linguistics at the University of Tübingen. As head of the icall-research.de group in the LEAD network, his research focuses on intelligent computer-assisted language learning and computational linguistic methods in second language acquisition research and language teaching. He has published on automatic short-answer assessment, the analysis of learner corpora, linguistic complexity analysis, tutoring systems, and input enrichment and enhancement tools.

ORCID Profile
Personal Website

Cheryl Palin

Cheryl Palin

Cheryl Palin has worked in ELT for over 30 years. She has been an ELT teacher in the UK, Germany, Spain, and Ecuador; a Young Learner Coordinator for the British Council, Quito; an advisor and consultant to the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education and Culture; and a senior editor in the Spanish Primary group at Oxford University Press. She has co-authored numerous best-selling OUP primary courses for Spain, as well as global courses. She is also a teacher trainer and regularly presents talks and webinars for ELT teachers internationally.

Dita Phillips

Dita Phillips

Dita Phillips has been involved in English-language teaching since 1999. She holds an MA in English as well as the CELTA and DELTA qualifications. She has been working as a teacher trainer since 2010 and has taught and trained in different countries, including the UK, Czech Republic, and Malta. Dita is a regular attendee and presenter at international teaching conferences, and her specialist interests are continuous professional development and the use of technology in language teaching.

Hayo Reinders

Hayo Reinders

Dr. Hayo Reinders (www.innovationinteaching.org) is TESOL Professor and Director of Research at Anaheim University, USA, and Professor of Applied Linguistics at KMUTT in Thailand. He is the founder of the global Institute for Teacher Leadership and editor of Innovation in Language Learning & Teaching. He has published 26 books and over 150 articles in the areas of out-of-class learning, technology, and language teacher leadership. He is a speaker for the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Socials: Facebook, Twitter

Dr. Daniela Singh

Daniela Singh

Daniela Singh is a post-doctoral researcher within the Learning for Families through Technology (LiFT) project at the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, responsible for leading on the collection, analysis, and reporting of learning app data generated by users. Her doctoral work at UCL’s Division of Language and Cognition investigated key questions for literacy learning and instruction with a focus on the contribution of statistical learning processes to children’s learning of spelling patterns.


LiFT University of Oxford page: LiFT at Oxford
Language Learning Lab: Language Learning Lab

Dr. Robert Vanderplank

Robert Vanderplank

Robert Vanderplank is Emeritus Fellow and Director of the Centre for the Study of Lifelong Language Learning at Kellogg College, Oxford University. Until his retirement in 2016, he taught courses in applied linguistics and second language acquisition at Oxford, where he was also Director of the University Language Centre.

Robert Vanderplank - Kellogg College

Robin Walker

Robin Walker

Robin Walker is a former editor of the journal of the IATEFL PronSIG. Robin was recently part of the OUP Expert Panel for the teaching of pronunciation to the 21st-century learner. He is the author of Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca, and of the OUP position paper English pronunciation for a Global World.

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Dr. Catherine Walter

Catherine Walter

Catherine Walter is a researcher, teacher educator, and materials developer. She is an Emeritus Fellow in Applied Linguistics at Linacre College, University of Oxford; a UK HE National Teaching Fellow; and a Past President of IATEFL. Her research focuses on second language acquisition, and she is an advocate for equity and diversity in education.

Jennifer Verschoor

Jennifer Verschoor

Jennifer Verschoor, a teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer, and educational technology consultant based in Argentina. Her expertise lies in the realms of online teaching, mobile learning, training through virtual learning environments and artificial intelligence. She is currently the Head of EdTech at a bilingual school in Buenos Aires and Director of Education and Artificial Intelligence at AImpact Partner. She has been awarded multiple scholarships for diverse innovative practices in English Language Teaching.